Counselling -Coaching -Training
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Mark Twain
Living the Story that You Want to Be Telling
Coaching is about creating your own stories. It is about dreaming and creativity.
Are you happy with where you are in life?
If not, what is holding you back?
What could be the first step you can take to work towards your dream?
Sometimes, you come to a crossroad in life. It might come in the form of a mid-life crisis, or deciding a career change, or making a longer term life commitment.
As a life and career coach, I look together with you at how you can use your resources and apply new strategies and do things differently and creatively.
Together we build awareness, unlock your potential and make plans to achieve your goals in career and life.
Acting in line with the story of your dreams brings a sense of fulfillment and vitality that no material can match.
“Do. Or Do Not.
There is no try ”
Yoda (Star Wars)
Open your box
Most often than not, we are trained to follow set rules. We are told not to "deviate" and live 'within the box'.
Coaching is to think outside the box.
It is normal to be afraid of making changes in life. It can be risky. The only way to guarantee that you will not fail is not try.
But often our fears are caused by our limiting beliefs, the stories that we tell ourselves.
Anxiety or fear are often the results of misuse of our imaginations. You can instead use your imaginations to help you visualize your goals and dreams.

“The game is won or lost in the second half, not the first.”
Bob Buford
My CoachStory - "half-time"
I am a big advocate in coaching. When i first started working with my coach some years ago, i was not sure what to expect. I just knew my life got stuck and i was not sure where i was heading to. I like the life metaphor of a football game. Like many of us, I rushed through college and universities in the first half, embarked on a career, climbed upward, acquired the many things that people normally do. I did not really have a game plan. I just simply play along. The coaching sessions have created space and conditions for changes to take root and grow. I was confronted with life questions that I have been avoiding...questions that need to be answered with an open and honest heart. I have not been living my story. I was living the stories defined by others. I am grateful to have the opportunity to take my ‘halftime’ and to discover my dream and passion as a counsellor and coach. The coaching journey has helped me to see how i could build on what i have got and move beyond.
And you? What is your story?
Are you ready for new horizons and new challenges?
It's time to run towards your goal.
Connect with me and share your stories and aspirations.